"How Can I Improve My DIGITAL LEARNING SKILLS?" Workshop

The workshop titled "How Can I Improve My Digital Learning Skills?" that was prepared by Kültür Point was held within the scope of "Life Culture Academy Now and in the Future".

In the workshop held under the management of Mücella Ezgin, Deputy Head of the Kültür Point Unit, the digital competencies that should be possessed in the changing world with digital technologies and the digital talent gap in the world were mentioned.


IKU PDR Club organized an e-seminar titled "Case Analysis-Individual Psychology" on Monday, December 21, 2020. In the event moderated by Assist. Prof. Melda Erbaş; The case of a young girl living in Asia was analyzed according to various points of individual psychology theory. While the common and different points of Adlerian therapy with other theories were discovered, the theory was enabled to learn more permanently by moving from theoretical to practice.

"Reporter IS the Stem Cell of JOURNALISM"

FOX News Editor-in-Chief Doğan Şentürk was the first guest of the "Kültür of Life Academy Now and the Future-- Strong Communication Workshop" organized by the Kültür Point on Monday, 21 December 2020, on the Virtual Classroom Application. Producer & Presenter Hülya Aydın was the moderator of the event, and IKU academic and administrative staff and students participated.

The event started with how the pandemic affected the media industry. Doğan Şentürk emphasized that after the health sector, those who are most at risk are reporters in the field.

"CLIMATE Change and Turkey"

An e-seminar entitled "Climate Change and Turkey" was held Saturday, December 19, 2020 by Economy Club. Participating in the event as a speaker, N. Merve Hamzaoğlu discussed in detail the definition of climate change, its causes and effects. Turkey and the world in the near term affects exemplify the use of fossil energy sources, such as deforestation causes were addressed. The disasters caused by climate change and their effects on the sectors were explained. Environmental policies applied globally and in our country were discussed and what should be done was emphasized.

Support of the Kültür Point to the Mentor-Mentee Program

IKU Student Life, Career and Alumni Advisory Unit (Kültür Point) supported the  "Mentor Mentor Project" that Turkey Armenian Patriarchate Youth Commission began to implement. In the program, which included 18 mentors and 13 mentees, the Deputy Head of the Kültür Point Unit Mücella Ezgin and the Communication Expert Doğa Kurtyiğit attended as trainers. In the training,  the concepts of mentoring and mentees and the responsibilities of mentors and mentees in the project were mentioned.

IKU Dance Club with Orchestra IKU celebrates “World Art Day”

Art has no place or time. We are all necessarily in our homes. As the Orchestra IKÜ, we do not want to be separated from the Kültür Family during these difficult times. We will share our concerts, which we cannot perform due to the epidemic, and the songs we cannot sing, with the Kültür Family, with videos we will prepare every 15 days until the end of May. We will have collaborations with other clubs in the videos we shoot. After our first video, IKÜ Dance Club accompanied us in our second video and we celebrated “World Art Day”with enthusiasm.

'Stay Home Turkey' Message from IKU Sign Language Choir

Members of the Istanbul Kültür University Sign Language Choir prepared a video with the sign language in which they gave a "stay home" message. The students supported the #evdekal call implemented in the world bush within the scope of the New Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) measures with the video they edited by making their shots at their homes.