"Career Journey and Success Story" 

A webinar titled "Career Journey and Success Story" was organized by the Industrial Engineering Club on Monday, April 19 at 19:00. Kemal Erdine, General Manager of Biletix, attended the event as a speaker. Erdine, who made suggestions that could set an example for the participants by explaining his career journey, also answered the questions following his presentation.


Kültür Point organized a training titled “Social Enterprise” on April 27, 2021, Tuesday for aiming to bring solutions to social problems in the long term with a creative and dynamic business model by keeping financial concerns in the background.

In the training, organized by the moderation of Lecturer Yunus Emre Benli, the difference between social and business enterprises and the working principles of social enterpreneurs were discussed.


Young Tema Club organized a live broadcast titled “Nature and Child” on Friday, April 23, on @ikugenctemaaa Instagram account. Cevat Ayna attended the event as a speaker.

In the event, where the meaning and importance of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day was emphasized once again, awareness was created among the participants on the relationship between nature and children. In the event; The effects of nature on children, how to make children gain awareness of nature, and the issues that children raised with a love of nature bring to the world were discussed.