An introductory meeting and alumni event was organized by the Molecular Biology and Genetics Club to introduce new members on Wednesday, October 5th. During the meeting, Club President Kerem Yıldızhan made a presentation giving information about the club and the board of directors. At the meeting by mentioning the activities planned by the club, the announcement of the "Cognitive Neuroscience" event held on October 12, and the biocore and coordination application QRs were reminded.
The event continued with a presentation titled “SMA and CRISPR Gene Therapy” by Sibel Pınar Odabaş, a graduate of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and one of the former club presidents. Odabaş also gave information to our students about her studentship and Erasmus + experience at our school, and the club activities during her presidency. Our graduate, who also talked about the process they went through in the RaDiChal'20 competition where they were champions. She presented SMA disease, its incidence, genetic profile, and treatments. Odabaş also talked about the gene therapy goals and project plans they are currently working on. The event, attended by 48 students, ended with the examination of our graduate's studies that were approved by CRISPR and TUBITAK.