An IEEE IKU Club TEKNOFEST team, IKU Red Wings successfully passed the Preliminary Design Report in the Combat UAV Competition, where it was one of the finalists for 2021 and 2022.

IKU Red Wings, an UAV team established in 2021, aims to produce technologies that not merely keep up with the technological advancements of today but also ushers in the future. The UAV, which they named "HÜMA", was developed to perform the two main missions of the competition, "Combating UAV" and "Kamikaze UAV". In the "Combating UAV" mission, the UAV will detect the rival UAV targets in case of dog fight and successfully hit the targets in the virtual environment, while at the same time trying to avoid possible deadlock situations by the rival UAVs. In the "Kamikaze UAV" mission, the UAV will autonomously detect ground targets positioned on the competition track from different viewing angles. It will successfully complete the detection by performing the necessary maneuvers according to the distance between the target and the UAV. We congratulate our team, whose flight trials have proved to be a success thanks to their multidisciplinary approach.

Last Update Date: Mon, 01/16/2023 - 10:04