"Python and Data Analysis Training"

"Python and Data Analysis Training" was organized by the RAS branch of IKU IEEE Club on December 27-28. In the training given by the instructor Nehir Günce Daşcı, the Python language and data analysis, which is one of the usage areas of this language, were discussed. On the first day of the training, where the Python language came from, general data types, various methods, variable types, control loops and special functions were explained.

"Urban Transformations in My Career"

Effective Communication Club, New Media and Communication Club, New Media Department, Communication Arts Department, Vocational School Public Relations and Promotion Program organized a webinar titled “Urban Transformations in My Career” on Cats Collobrate on December 25, 2020. Vestel Education Specialist Samet Aldemir, who participated in the event as a speaker, explained the points that students should pay attention to while preparing for the sector and during online interviews throughout their academic lives.

"Excel in Business World"

Ata Ertuğrul, one of our 2018 graduates of the Department of Business Administration, gave training to our students about the use of Excel at the event named "Excel in Business World ". In the training held in 2 sessions, the importance of using Excel, shortcuts and formulas of the program were mentioned. With the examples made later, our students were also experienced.

Training registration links: