A live broadcast titled "On Volunteering" was held on Instagram on Sunday, February 21, 2020 by IKU Young Tema Club. Working on nature as a speaker for years; Mehmet Alp, a volunteer of the non-governmental organization TEMA Foundation and also the TEMA Foundation's Küçükçekmece Cumhuriyet District Officer, attended the event as a guest. Alp conveyed to the participants the concept of volunteering, what volunteering has contributed to him, and the need for people to take an active role in an organization that does useful work, in a project and in similar formations.


Kültür Point organized a workshop in the context of “Culture of Life Academy Now and in the Future”, titled “How to Develop Digital Learning Skills?”

In the workshop, administrated by Unit Vice Head of Kültür Point Mücella Ezgin, the subjects such as the digital requirements in the world that changes with the digital technologies and lack of digital talent in the world.


Kültür Point organized a webinar titled “An Effective Way of Networking: Linkedin” to inform our 3rd and 4th grade students on issues such as creating a profile on the Linkedin platform, the way to be active in career steps, how to create a successful profile in the eyes of employers. The event, where professional Coach Emine Sever was a speaker, was held on Friday, February 19 at 14:00 on Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom Application.

Click to watch the recording of the event…