Trimetrix HD: Four-Sized Measurement and Assessment Tool

Would you like a consulting process in which you will discover Your strengths, your areas of development, your behavioral preferences and the driving forces that drive you? 

With Trimetrix HD Talent Manager and Talent Insight reports you will reach your goal more confident and keen steps.

TriMetrix HD is a powerful measurement and evaluation tool that combines four different sciences and allows you to see key areas of performance.

HOW do we act and communicate: DISC

WHY we take action: Motivators

in WHICH competencies we have mastered: Abilities    
WHICH personal skills do we have: Perception (Dimensional Balance)

This layered approach provides a great basis for people to become aware of their potential strengths, explore areas of development and prepare action plans for their professional development.

TriMetrix HD provides the opportunity to examine and understand the person in all dimensions and is the most effective tool for setting the right targets in the consultancy process and creating an action plan within the right strategic plans. 

As Kültür Point, we provide services to our students and alumni with the TriMetrix HD Four-Science Measurement and Assessment Tool in the most effective way.

Last Update Date: Tue, 09/10/2019 - 16:09