Kültür Point organized “Basic First Aid Training” on Monday, March 29th. Uşak State Hospital Nurse Esin Erdem attended the event as a speaker.

In the training program, which was carried out in order to raise awareness on the issues of preventing loss of life and ensuring health safety in sudden and emergency health situations that we may encounter at home, at school or at work until healthcare teams and professionals arrive, practices that are easy to keep in mind and can be applied even by people who do not have a first aid certificate were explained with examples.

At the end of the training which lasted about 2 hours with the questions and contributions of the students, the subjects learned were reinforced with the knowledge contest held, and it was stated that a First Aid Practice Certificate must be obtained in order to be successful and life-saving first aiders. 

To watch the replay of the training...

Last Update Date: Fri, 05/14/2021 - 14:36