Career Consulting

We care about the knowledge and experience of our students during their studies. We inform our students about the expectations of institutions, responsiblities and necessities of business life and the specialities that is expected by employers. With one-on-one interviews we develop students's curriculum vitaes and inform them about job interview techniques.We determine their professional tendencies in the most accurate way and enable them to enter the sector in the most prepared way.

Topics we provide consultancy services:

General Career Consulting

  • It is the consultations we have conducted with all our students and graduates to find the answers to your questions about career planning, to make the most effective decisions in your career management, and to determine the steps to be taken to find jobs and internships.

Academic Career Consulting

  • Consultation meetings that support our students and graduates who want to direct their career and development in academic sense about process management. 

Creating Effective CV Consulting 

  • The first professional step in the business life is the effective preparation of the CV and the letter of intent and the interviews to improve the interview skills.

Job Interviews Skills Consulting

  • The first professional step in the business life is the effective preparation of the CV and the letter of intent and the interviews to improve the interview skills.

Writing Letter of Intent Consulting

  • The first professional step in the business life is the effective preparation of the CV and the letter of intent and the interviews to improve the interview skills.

Creating Network and Job Finding Skills Consulting

  • You can see the many benefits of having a strong network, but most importantly, it is something that will determine whether you are successful or not. Unless you have a team or consultants around you, you can't be a successful entrepreneur or part of a successful business. One of the most important competencies of the 21st century is the consultancy process on networking methods.

Last Update Date: Wed, 09/11/2019 - 09:58