An event titled "Understanding the Blockchain" was organized by Asimov Technology Club and IEEE Student Club between 14.00-17.00 on Sunday, May 16. The event, attended by expert speakers in their fields, was held in 3 sessions.

The first session of the event was held with the title of "What is blockchain?", in which Yusuf Altunel, one of our lecturers, was a speaker. What blockchain technology is, what countries and companies are doing in Blockchain applications and what awaits us in Blockchain applications in the future were discussed.

The second session was held with the title "Blockchain in hiDNA Initiative". In the session where Assist. Prof. & hiDNA Initiative Founding Director Cihan Taştan from Üsküdar University was a speaker, the hiDNA initiative was introduced and how the enterprise advancing in the health sector is used in Blockchain technology was explained.

The third session was held under the title of "Blockchain" Bitranium "in the Crypto Money Market. In the session where Fatih Nağaş, the founder of our local and national crypto money, Bitranium, was the speaker, the Blockchain application on cryptocurrencies, one of the most recent phenomena in the digital environment, was discussed.

Last Update Date: Tue, 03/01/2022 - 10:01