Coach and Lecturer Deniz Ünal was the first guest of Culture of Life Academy Now and in the Future Self-Improvement Workshop. The workshop organized with the subject titled, “If Robots Have Artificial Intelligence, We Have Emotional Intelligence too!” on March 11, Thursday at 20.00 via Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom Application.
Deniz Ünal said that human beings have two innate potentials. One is analytical intelligence and the other is emotional intelligence…
Speaking about the items of emotional intelligence, Ünal said that the ability to understand and manage the feelings of himself and the other person has 4 items. Understanding one's own feelings, managing one's own feelings, understanding the other's feelings and managing the other's feelings.
Referring to the issue of not being able to empathize, Ünal said “If the individual has a deep emotional familiarity with himself, he can empathize. But if he is not experiencing feelings within himself, he cannot empathize.” She also emphasized that individuals with weak empathy cannot become leaders.